Exhibition: Urania reist nach Ägypten

In cooperation with the Weltmuseum Wien (the former Museum of Ethnology) the Egypt and Austria Society organised the exhibition Urania reist nach Ägypten. Wiener Volksbildung und der Orient um 1900.

On the example of a trip to Egypt organised by the Viennese Urania Easter 1912 this exhibition presents the circumstances of educational trips in the time around 1900. The Austrian presence in Egypt is investigated as well as the contemporary confrontation with the Orient and the ambitions of the Viennese adult education.

The exhibition was curated by our society's members Clemens Gütl and Christian Liebl and took place in the premises of the Museum of Ethnology, Vienna from December 12, 2012, until June 3, 2013.

If you are interested to learn more about this exhibition, you can view a short video clip offered on the website of our cooperation partner Österreichisches Volkshochschularchiv. Please visit: https://www.vhs.at/14691.html.

For lectures organsised by the Egypt and Austria society in course of the supporting programme of this exhibition please see here.

The curators of this exhibition, Clemens Gütl and Christian Liebl, are awarded by the city of Vienna with the Theodor Körner Prize 2013 for trusteeship. Please see here for more information about this prize.

Exhibition: Coptic Textiles from the Collection of the National Museum of Slovenia

10 October 2019–24 May 2020, Narodnj Muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Please see here for more information.